Saturday, January 2, 2010

Fort Playhouse This Summer Me And Some Friends Are Going To Build A Fort But I Have A Few Questions?

This summer me and some friends are going to build a fort but I have a few questions? - fort playhouse

One: more or less what the cost of the 2x4 wooden boards, wooden boards or 2x3?

Two: I want the field / drama about 78 centimeters high, it is exactly what I need

three, or more than the total cost, I will not spend much money

Four: Do you save the best for is get wood?


thewrang... said...

One - depends on where you live .... and 2x3 is not standard. You could get a bigger boat and set out on a table saw Tho. In our region, a 2x4 stud careers of $ 2.25 per
Two - What is the building? Do you intend to make a lower limit of a species? What type of ceiling do you want? It can not "exactly", without further information.
Three - based on the responses to one or two, hehehe. Wood is not cheap, I give you, dass How do you think about the surface of walls? What kind of outside?, Etc. ....
Four more stores - Construction materials carry the same price, but it can certainly recommend Lowes ... I buy many of them.

That's what I propose ..... sit down and make a few sketches of what they want. With some rough measurements.
Some things to note - the outer surface, foundation, floors, ceilings, doors and windows? There are many options. It is necessary to reduce what you want before you begin to ask the price.
Once you have a good idea to ask, then the sketches for the supply and orEM for a quote. Very often have a "one stop shop" to help where someone will understand you, such as nails, plywood, etc., your project needs, and let the cost of materials.
I would also suggest you check to work with local builders to see if she had any leftover debris, the bag with an adult. is also a good place to see and sellers Habitat for Humanity, Goodwill, etc.

More is great, and the features you want, tend to make the price more. You can explore some options for fundraising, hehehe.

In general, costs more than OSB plywood the same thickness and function in most cases, OSB and plywood. Plywood works best as a painted exterior Tho, as it is better to the weather. Drive to help with a minimum of 5 / 8 "thick material for any roof terraces, and be prepared to the snow and the water. They have a certain type of roof shingles, metal, fiberglass, etc. The price action may provide that even lower. To increase the cost, you can rely on wiThout to begin a roof .. Chain and a canvas. The angle of the screen to help with the roof as the water is running.
If the wood in contact with soil, or left to weather, you can use treated wood, Thomas tend to get more expensive.

Have Fun

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