Sunday, February 28, 2010

Pictures The Parts Of A Sailboat Do You Remember The REAL Motivational Posters?

Do you remember the REAL motivational posters? - pictures the parts of a sailboat

Remember, posters original motivation? I'm sure you know who I mean ... Posters, popular in the '90s and early 2000s. You have a picture of something generic like a mountain climber with cheese leads as a source of inspiration "to continue to achieve their goals." Or perhaps a photo of a sailboat, says with a quote that "full speed ahead", etc. I remember a while I was in college, and I think they were all part of T "movement, which in the 90s and early 2000s was popular.

Of course, they were lame, and even then, that people have finally started to make false accusations to "de-motivational" pictures to make in order to mock them. The increasel motivational posters are long gone ... Since about 1995, I think. But only begun to see the motivation of the false images of a few years.

I'm curious to know if you remember the original. I still see the issues that people here question, "the images with quotes on them, and they talk about the de-motivational pictures. It seems they do not remember the original posters. For me, a parody only works if you actually remember the original. You know how it is like a song by "Weird Al" only fun when you actually heard the original song.


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