Sunday, January 24, 2010

Mentos Answering Machine I Hav A Project To Do N I Was Wonderin Y Bubbles Form Wen U Put Mentos In Coke? I Want A Scientific Answerplz

I hav a project to do n I was wonderin y bubbles form wen u put mentos in coke? i want a scientific answerplz - mentos answering machine

I have a science project and I need to know why so many bubbles as the flow of the mixture of coke (including Coca-Cola Light) with elements of mint flavor. I want an answer thats kind of scientific and simple. thx!


leaptad said...

It is an episode of the first season of Numb3rs, when they explain exactly how it works. Try to engage your local Blockbuster.

dajram said...

the coking of soda, which will interact with the ingredients of the candy, but just the same way with Alka-Seltzer and water.

jessjess... said...

Courtney said...

MythBusters where a number of factors. Does soda. It is presumed that make chemicals that sweetness to influence the reaction. The general roughness of the currency is estimated that the process of spreading seeds.

The reason for this is due to a chemical process called nucleation. The bubbles of carbon dioxide nuclei shortly after the exit pressure of an LNG tank. Nucleation often occurs more easily in an existing interface nucleation (heterogeneous), do as in French or boiled potatoes string used to candy too. The eruption called-ments are a dramatic example.

The surface of the mind (no color) contain thousands of small characters (nucleation sites). Each slot can make the CO2 and be released from the liquid. As the number of slots is high, CO2 released in large quantities at a time. Aspartame (sweeteners) also plays a role. The observations have a surface color crystal, smooths the indendations, making it difficult nucleation.

REGULAR Seltzer or club soda will not work because the CO2 already wants to leave the solution and could do it. The sweetener in Diet Coke is the best solution in CO2, which makes a violent reaction.

He has just searched on Google

Hop3 that H3lpz!

mominpin... said...

is not scientific, but Coca-Cola-Cola is a bad *** stuff eats a coin in a few days and if you have the acid corrosion on the battery of your car, because if you pour coke, then they are clean, so I am sure Coke is an acid and its effect on almost everything

skaizun said...

Sry, undrstnd BT I dd nt txt msg qstn year.

NXT TM, propr use plz Englsh.

skaizun said...

Sry, undrstnd BT I dd nt txt msg qstn year.

NXT TM, propr use plz Englsh.

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